The Sunset started at 5.30am when the sky tinged pink, then red.
It was 5.45am when it reached its peak, and by 6am, the colors were still there but not as deep.
I watched the sunrise, making a video of the tide as it started to change and come in.
The lowest tide was .86 at 4.48 at Burrum Heads, so the change of tides would have been happening when I noticed the water start to flow in faster, and when I made that first video.
Seeing that the tide was low, and that half the bay was now open and sand, I walked on to the first Marker, took photos of the boat fishing, and walked on as far as the second marker. Then I turned back.
I was almost back at the first marker, when I realized behind me was all water. The tide had come in rather quickly, as I know it does, and I was now on a small sandbank at the first marker surrounded by water. I started to walk straight down in the direction of the shore. It was quite scary, as I was more concerned with getting my camera wet than anything else, so I walked as fast as I could, now above the knee in water over rocks, watching toadfish scattering off as I came their way.
To my relief I reached the sands. I did stop a couple of times to look back and take photos of this adventure.
I joined the Morning Club on their bench by the pier, and was told that there is a channel there next to the first marker, and I had actually chosen the best route back to land. Had I walked nearer the second marker, I would have got much wetter.
Scary...the fishermen have told me many times when I was fishing with them at this point, to always make sure I know when the tides are so I won't get caught. It was not an issue before, as I watched the fishermen and when they left, I did too, but at 6.30am, I was the only one on the sands, except for the couple of fishing boats in the Fishing Competition, and being saved by them would have meant I would have had to sit on their boat all day.
I have now experienced how fast the tide does come in...5.45 am to 6.30am means the Sand bank goes from Sand to a River.
It was the best Sunrise I have seen for a long time. What a treat, and today is Good Friday